Next Newsletter Deadline: April 29th
We are soliciting articles and events of interest to chemists in the Sacramento Section, which includes Sacramento, Stockton, Davis, and eastward to the Nevada border. Articles should include at least one paragraph about the event, a web site of flyer for more information, and at least one picture. A good example of a submission in this newsletter is here. Please send submissions to Bill Miller.
ACS Sacramento Section Button Design Contest
The ACS Sacramento section is excited to announce our second Button Design Contest! This competition is open to all members of the ACS Sacramento Section. The winning design will become the official button for the ACS Sacramento Section and win $100. All designs must be emailed to with the subject line “ACS Button Design” by 5:00pm on June 1st. Please also include a description of the image or the story behind...
2017 Student Travel Award Winners
Congratulations to our 2017 Student Travel Award Winners! Each will make a presentation at the ACS Spring National Meeting. Awards will be presented at the Sacramento Section Social Tuesday 5-7pm. Sven Hackbusch, CARB 52: Application of newly developed Karplus equations for C(sp2)-O-C-H dihedral angles to the conformational analysis of ester linked carbohydrate derivatives Jamieson Thom, CHED 839: Homemade antacid tablets for the...
Job Announcement: Clean Water Fellow
Apply by April 6th Summary of Position The Clean Water Fellowship is a temporary position of up to two years and is designed to provide applied experience in environmental education and water quality monitoring to a candidate with an undergraduate degree who is planning to pursue graduate studies in environmental education, natural resources conservation or a similar field. The Clean Water Fellow will work with the Clean Water...
Spring Symposium for the Genetic and Environmental Toxicology Association of Northern California
Save the date! April 24 is the Spring Symposium for the Genetic and Environmental Toxicology Association of Northern California. The theme is “The giant inside you: The interface between the microbiome, environment, and disease”. There will be three speakers, and a poster session. This event will take place in the afternoon in Oakland at the Elihu M. Harris State Office Building, 1515 Clay Street. Registration is $40 for non-members...
UCD Chem Club Keeps Busy
This past Winter quarter the Chemistry Club at UC Davis has been busy! We’ve helped out with many chemical demonstrations and Q&A panels for Pleasant Hill High School, St. Charles Borromeo School, and several other schools. Along with this we also helped organize an ACS-funded project to give local elementary school teachers demonstration kits to use in their own classrooms. Outside of outreach, we held our second annual...
Sacramento City Chemistry Club Fall to Spring
From Fall to Spring, the Sacramento City Chemistry Club has continued its tradition of bringing together students who love science through events and experiments. The club hosts bi-weekly meetings where the team comes together to talk chemistry and hold demo experiments, like the Black Snake at the end of each meeting. Early October 2016 many club members and chemistry students volunteered at an ACS Flavors of Chemistry event that had...
New Section Members
New Sacramento Section Members! Welcome to the section! Amy Bellinghiere Karla Buechler Jennifer Chase Emily Darby Alex De Denko Andy Domokos Michelle Greenough Silas Griffin Xin Guo Heather Hughett Joshua Jude James Kawagoe Xiaoqing Ma Kelly Meyer Suzanne Miyamoto Gerardo Ochoa Anham Rafique Angela Romo Jennifer Staton Shuai Wang Lili Wu Zeqiong...
Next ACS Sacramento Section ExCom Meeting
The next ACS Sacramento Section Executive Committee meeting will be 7pm on Sunday April 23rd in Davis at the SCC Davis Center. The Executive Committee plans, organizes, and sponsors events for chemists in the Sacramento region. Interested in finding out more? Contact Cindy Castronovo.
Largest Ever Sacramento High School Chemistry Olympiad!
Sacramento City College hosted the Local High School Chemistry Olympiad on March 11, 2017. It had its largest showing ever again this year with 75 students! Students participated from the following schools: High School # Students Sheldon High School 40 Folsom High School 8 Mira Loma High School 8 Laguna Creek High School 5 Tracy High School 3 Davis Senior High School 6 Rio Linda High School 3 Oak Ridge High School 2 The top two...
ADSE Young Researcher Conference
Hosted by the Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering (ADSE) on April 1st at UC Davis Join ADSE for a day of mentoring and supporting young researchers through graduate student-focused programs targeting professional development, fostering research interests through talks and posters, career panels and a working lunch. There will also be a networking reception and featured keynote speaker soon to be announced! Do not miss...
Flavors of Chemistry 2017
We are pleased to announce that our 3rd Annual “Flavors of Chemistry” will be occurring on Saturday, September 30th at the UC Davis Activities and Recreation Center, the same location as last year). The event will occur from 1-5pm. For full details about the event or to buy tickets, click on the picture below: Speakers/Tastings: Bill Ristenpart, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Director of the UC Davis Coffee Center, and...
ACS Sacramento Section 68th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue
Co-sponsored by the Chemistry Department of University of the Pacific & the San Joaquin Valley Chapter of Sigma Xi, the Research Society SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2017 Chemistry Department, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA Lecture topic: “Role Science Plays at CDFA” Presenter: Nirmal Saini California Department of Food and Agriculture About the Speaker: Mr. Nirmal Saini is the Branch Chief at the Center for Analytical Chemistry,...
Sacramento Section Helps Sponsor UC Chemistry Symposium
The Sacramento Section of the ACS is proud to help sponsor the UC Chemical Symposium on March 27-29, 2017. For more information, please visit the Facebook page for the symposium.
2017 Janan Hayes High School Teacher Applications Due March 31st
The American Chemical Society (ACS) Sacramento Section (map) is proud to announce the Second Annual award for high school teachers in our section, named for a Jan Hayes, a councilor, educator and ACS Fellow with over 40 years of involvement with the Sacramento Section. The 2017 Janan Hayes High School Teacher Award will be $500 in cash and $500 for chemistry supplies. Our Sacramento Section winner will then be nominated to enter any...
ACS Sacramento Section Event at National Meeting in SF
Date: Tuesday April 4th Time: 5-7pm Location: Great Room 1, W Hotel Come join your Sacramento Section colleagues for a social event at the Spring ACS National Meeting in San Francisco! Appetizers will be served and drinks will be available. Your first drink is free for ACS Sacramento Section members. (If you have a question about whether or not you are a member, please login to your account or email Bill Miller with the...
$250 Student Chapter Grant Program
ACS Sacramento Section is announcing a new grant opportunity. Student chapters within the section may apply for up to $250 to engage in outreach to K-12 schools. Contact Bill Miller for more information.