Volunteering with ACS Sacramento
Are you interested in getting more involved with the local section? Have ideas about events or changes you’d like to see? Passionate about outreach? Consider volunteering on one of our new subcommittees! Executive Committee As always, members are welcome to participate in our monthly executive committee meetings where we discuss events, finances, policy, etc. Senior Chemists Committee A focus on concerns of and events for the...
Volunteer Opportunities in April
ACS Sacramento plans to host a table at the College and Career Expo which takes place the afternoon of April 6 at the STEM Fair. We are hoping to offer a hands-on activity, but we need volunteers to make this happen! If you can help, contact Cindy Castronovo at ccastron@comcast.net. We need volunteers the morning of Wednesday, April 24 to help kids and parents learn about global warming and ocean acidification (see photo below). ...
The Sacramento School of Engineering and Sciences (SES) has scheduled its science and engineering fair for Wednesday, December 19th from 2:30 PM-6:15 PM and they need YOU to judge student science fair projects! Interested individuals can sign up or get more information by contacting Pat Wong (pat.wong@arb.ca.gov). SES is located in the Pocket Area of Sacramento (7345 Gloria Drive). However its students are from a cross section...
Register for High School Chemistry Olympiad
The Sacramento Section of the ACS is proud to organize the 2019 High School Chemistry Olympiad. The Olympiad witll be held at Sacramento City College. Last year’s Olympiad was a big success! For more information, please click here. To register or if you have questions, please contact Mako Masuno. Students taking the local exam for the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad on March 24th at Sacramento City...
Volunteers for Friday Speaker Series
The School of Engineering and Sciences (SES) is looking for volunteers to mentor students as they prepare their science projects and senior projects, serve as judges at science fairs, and speak or sponsor a Friday lunch talk. The school is a combination middle/high school which accepts students within the Sacramento School District and is located in the Pocket area in South Sacramento. Please contact Patrick Wong at...
Donations Towards Awards!
ACS Sacramento Section is happy to announce two donations towards funding its awards: $50 Anonymous: Student Travel Awards $50 Bill Miller: JHHSTA
2018 Cal EPA Earth Day Celebration
The Sacramento Section invited over 150 attendees at the annual CalEPA Earth Day Celebration to participate in an experiment demonstrating how CO2 absorption can increase acidity of the oceans. Kids and adults alike were amazed at the color change indicating a lower pH after blowing bubbles in a neutral solution with red cabbage pH indicator. The budding scientists were awarded stickers, mini-moles, tattoos and booklets with more...
Awards Subcommittee
The members of the awards subcommittee review applications for the Jan Hayes High School Teacher’s Award, the John Berg High School Chemistry Student Scholarship, and the Student Travel Award. These members are: Dean Tantillo, Professor of Chemistry at UC Davis Liang Xue, Professor of Chemistry at the University of the Pacific Marisa Alviar-Agnew, Professor of Chemistry at Sacramento City College Veronica Wheaton, Professor of...
ACS Sacramento Volunteer of the Year: Cindy Castronovo
Congratulations to Cindy Castronovo for winning the ACS Sacramento Section Volunteer of the year! Cindy Castronovo has been a long time contributor to the Sacramento local section, serving on the Executive Committee and spearheading the section’s involvement in various outreach activities in the Sacramento area. Cindy has served and currently serves as the Secretary for the section. Thank you, Cindy! Previous winners were Mako...
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW 2018 SECTION OFFICERS!! Thanks to all of you who voted in our last election, though we did have a response rate of only 4%, perhaps as all candidates ran unopposed. Here are the terms of the current section officers and councilors: 2018 Chair Marc Foster 2018 Chair-Elect Carla Saunders 2018-2019 Secretary Cindy Castronovo 2018 Treasurer Terry O’Brien 2017-2019 Councilor John Berg 2018-2020 Councilor...
ACS Historic Chemistry Landmarks
The ACS National Historic Chemistry Landmarks program grants Landmark status to sites associated with seminal achievements in the history of the chemical sciences. These landmarks provide a record of important contributions to chemistry and society in the U.S. As a local section, we can nominate locations for Landmark status. If you would like any site identified as a Chemistry Landmark, please send the address or name of the site and...
Needed: Science Olympiad Event Coordinators for March 3rd
The 2018 Sacramento Regional Science Olympiad will be held at Mira Loma High School on Saturday, March 3, 2018. Four events are looking for coordinators for this year: FORENSICS, OPTICS, HERPETOLOGY and REMOTE SENSING. James Hill, our Sacramento Section High School Teacher of the year, is looking for a qualified, interested person who would be willing to be the Event Coordinator for each of these topics at the event. The Event...
ACS Needs Volunteers: National Awards Canvassing and Selection Committees
Would you like to help nominate and select ACS National award winners ? ACS is seeking self-nominations for the 2019-2020 National Awards Canvassing and Selection Committees. Here is a link to the self-nominating form: Self Committee Nomination Form ACS is committed to recognizing excellence in people who represent groups not commonly identified as recipients of ACS awards, such as women and minorities, chemists from industry and the...
Volunteer to Judge a High School Science Fair!
The Sacramento School and Engineering Sciences (SES) will be having their high school science fair on Wednesday, December 20th starting at 2:45 PM. All science and engineering professionals as well as students of upper division status are invited to volunteer for this annual event. No previous experience is necessary. Members of PECG and CAPS are eligible to claim one hour of mentoring leave credit for every two hours volunteered....
Next Executive Committee Meeting November 5th
The next Executive Committee meeting of the ACS Sacramento Section will be on November 8th from 7-8:30pm in Sacramento. For more details, please email Cindy Castronovo.
Looking for Mentors: School of Engineering and Sciences
The School of Engineering and Sciences (SES) is looking for volunteers to mentor students as they prepare their science projects and senior projects, serve as judges at science fairs, and speak or sponsor a Friday lunch talk. The school is a combination middle/high school which accepts students within the Sacramento School District and is located in the Pocket area in South Sacramento. Please contact Patrick Wong at...
Next Executive Committee Meeting: August 27th
The next meeting of the ACS Sacramento Section Executive Committee will be on August 27th at 7pm in room 204 of Lillard Hall. For more information, contact Cindy Castronovo or Bill Miller.
2017 Volunteer of the Year: Mako Masuno
In the Sacramento Local Section, Mako has been the person responsible for running all aspects of the local and national U.S. Chemistry Olympiad for the last six years. Under his guidance, participation has grown each year due to the relationships he has built with the students and high school teachers and the very tasty liquid nitrogen ice cream he makes after the exams!
SACACS Outreach
The section is committed to outreach and welcomes proposals for events. We will consider any event, no matter how crazy! Feel free to contact Dean Tantillo (djtantillo@ucdavis.edu) with your ideas.
Ideas for Senior Chemist Events?
The Senior Chemists Committee (SCC) of the ACS is offering small grants to local sections to sponsor events/activities that increases engagement of senior local section members and that will benefit the local community, schools or legislative government. We welcome suggestions for events from all members. These will be discussed with the local section leadership for possible incorporation into a proposal for SCC funding. All...