This past Winter quarter the Chemistry Club at UC Davis has been busy! We’ve helped out with many chemical demonstrations and Q&A panels for Pleasant Hill High School, St. Charles Borromeo School, and several other schools. Along with this we also helped organize an ACS-funded project to give local elementary school teachers demonstration kits to use in their own classrooms.
Outside of outreach, we held our second annual make-your-own soap project! Earlier on in the quarter we got together and watched the exciting thriller Source Code. The Tahoe Environmental Research Center here at UC Davis gave a great lab tour, and in collaboration with the Chemistry Department at UC Davis, we helped sponsor the second annual Career Conference in Chemistry. Lastly, to help ease the stresses of finals week we hosted our quarterly finals study session with refreshments, TA’s, and peer tutors to help answer any questions.
We hope to continue to stay busy this coming Spring quarter and are looking forward to an exciting Picnic Day on Aprill 22nd!
by Ben Wigman