Registration Open for AOAC International Annual Meeting
AOAC (Association of Official Agricultural Chemists) International is hosting its first all-in-person conference since the start of the COVID pandemic in New Orleans, known for its Creole and Cajun cuisine, jazz music and brass bands, historic architecture, and vibrant nightlife. New Orleans is a one-of-a-kind destination that will be a fun backdrop for important discussions on the future of food safety, as we dive into topics as...
ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety Workshop “RAMP in the Research Lab”
The ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety Workshop “RAMP in the Research Lab” again on Wednesday, August 2, 2023, from 2 PM to 5 PM EDT via Zoom. This 3-hour workshop is for frontline researchers in academic institutions: graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and undergraduate students. It will introduce the principles of the RAMP paradigm (recognize hazards, assess risk, minimize risk, and prepare for emergencies),...
Ask Congress to not cut research funding for the next decade
On April 26, 2023, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2811, the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 by a 217-215 vote. The bill is a one-time suspension of the debt ceiling through either March 31, 2024 or through a $1.5 trillion increase from the current ceiling, whichever comes first. The debt ceiling is a mandated constraint on the amount of money the U.S. Treasury may borrow to fund federal operations. The U.S. government has...
Report of Bryan Miller Symposium
Location: UC Davis Date/Time: April 13-14, 2023 Attendees: 200 in-person and 450 virtual Judged Poster Session (3 hours, 8 judges, 34 posters both undergraduate and graduate students) Our winners: Bailey Wong and Jesi Lee (both graduate students) We donated $1000 to Poster Awards (one undergrad and one graduate student)
National Ag Week Event at Clarksburg Winery
The California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating youth throughout California about the importance of agriculture in their daily lives, is hosting an event at Silt Winery in Clarksburg. See the flyer below. Click here to register.
ACS Agro Division Offering Travel Award
CALLING ALL STUDENTS AND EARLY CAREER SCIENTISTS! ACS AGRO is dedicated to advancing the understanding of the agricultural science by supporting students as well as early career researchers with awards and funding for travel to the Fall 2023 meeting. Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply for the 2023 Education Travel Award and present a poster at the Fall meeting. We are also seeking nominations for scientists who...
Office of Petroleum Spill Response Looking for Chemist in Rancho Cordova
The CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife OSPR (Office of Petroleum Spill Response) is looking for an Environmental Scientist at their lab in Rancho Cordova. The Scientist will utilize Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to “fingerprint” spilled petroleum products in the environment and match them to their potential sources. Duties include sample preparation, sample analysis, data review and analysis, report writing and...
ACS Fall 2023 – Abstracts Open
Submit your abstracts for oral and poster presentations for ACS Fall 2023. The theme, Harnessing the Power of Data, will be at the core of programming. Sessions for the hybrid meeting (in-person & virtual) will be held in San Francisco, CA and virtually, August 13 – 17, 2023. Those who wish to submit an abstract will have the option of selecting a virtual or in-person abstract submission. ACS Meetings & Expositions bring...
UC Berkeley ACS Hosting HS Science Bowl
The American Chemical Society at UC Berkeley is hosting an inaugural Berkeley Science Bowl Invitational (BSB) on Jan. 21st, 2023. National Science Bowl is a fast-paced academic buzzer competition in science and math traditionally hosted by the US Department of Energy. This tournament will provide an amazing opportunity to compete against some of the best schools across the country in preparation for the official competition, although...
San Joaquin Delta College Hosts Demos for NCW
San Joaquin Delta College brought back their annual chemistry demos to celebrate National Chemistry Week on October 27th. The return of the popular show featured several spectacular science experiments after a 3-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out some great shots below from Emeritus Chemist, Mr. Julius Hastings.
2022 R. Bryan Miller Symposium and Richard Larock Undergraduate Research Conference
The 2022 Richard Larock Undergraduate Research Conference, the first in-person event hosted by the chemistry department since 2020, brings together students and professors from all chemistry research areas. The conference comprised student research presentations and a keynote speaker. This year’s keynote lecture featured Department of Chemistry alumna Kimberly Prather, who is now a Distinguished Professor at UC San Diego and...
San Diego ACS Hosting Biomedical Talk
Our friends at the San Diego ACS section are hosting Dr. John A. Rogers with a talk titled “Materials for Electronics That Can Dissolve in Your Body”. The presentation will be October 18th at 7 PM. Click here to register for this fascinating talk! About the talk: A remarkable feature of modern integrated circuit technology is its ability to operate in a stable fashion, almost indefinitely, without physical or chemical...
ACS Spring 2023 Call for Abstracts
ACS Spring 2023 invites researchers from around the globe to submit an abstract for oral and poster presentations by Monday, October 17. The theme, Crossroads of Chemistry, will be at the core of programming. Sessions for the hybrid meeting will be held in Indianapolis, in-person and virtually, from March 26 – 30, 2023. Those who wish to submit an abstract can select virtual or in-person during abstract submission. Visit the...
Volunteer with SacACS/MoSAC for National Chemistry Week!
Sacramento ACS is partnering with the SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity (MoSAC) for this year’s National Chemistry Week! We will be putting on a demonstration about the chemistry of cotton and linen October 15th and 16th, 11-3. We need volunteers to help make this a great event! Email Slava Bekker if you can make it.
Virtual Talk: Transparent Solar Cells, Smarter Windows, and Reducing the Carbon Footprint
Did you know that running air conditioning accounts for about 4% of worldwide CO2 emissions? That’s comparable to the yearly CO2 emissions from Germany and Canada combined! ACS San Diego is hosting a fascinating lecture by Nick Davy, Ph.D. who will discuss his company’s game-changing smart dynamic window technology that can turn windows into solar cells, and bring us closer to a sustainable future, September 22. Click here to...
Upcoming Two-Day Virtual Course on Medical Polymers
The San Francisco Bay Area polymer science organization, the Golden Gate Polymer Forum, is sponsoring a two-day virtual short course in November 2nd and 4th: Polymers for Medical Applications. See below for more details. For more information and to register, click here. Course Overview Polymers are increasingly finding use in medicine. Natural, synthetic, and biomimetic polymeric materials will be discussed in the context of the key...
ACS Spring 2023 Meeting Now Taking Abstracts
Submit your abstracts for oral and poster presentations for ACS Spring 2023. The theme, Crossroads of Chemistry, will be at the core of programming. Sessions for the hybrid meeting will be held in Indianapolis, in-person and virtually, March 26 – 30, 2023. Those who wish to submit an abstract will have the option of selecting virtual or in-person during abstract submission. ACS Meetings & Expositions bring together chemistry...
ACS Fall 2022 Registration Open!
Registration is now open for the hybrid Fall 2022 meeting! The event will be in Chicago (and online) August 21-25. Click here to register and to see the program.
Register for San Diego ACS MEDCHEM Symposium
Our friends at San Diego ACS are hosting a Virtual Medical Chemistry Symposium Friday, July 15th 8:25-11 AM. Check out the flyer below to register.
Submit an abstract for the Western Regional Meeting 2022
The 2022 Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the Flamingo Hotel & Casino Convention Center October 19-22, 2022. This four-day event hosted by the ACS-Southern Nevada local section (ACS-SNS) will highlight achievements, peak challenges, and opportunities in the ACS western region and beyond Click here for more information and to submit an abstract.