Part-time Assistants Needed for UCD PhD Student

Seeking two or three part-time, temporary assistants for a blind chemist who is pursuing a Ph.D. at UC Davis. Will assist in graduate-level courses: Physical Organic (fall quarter), Spectroscopy (winter quarter), and Biological Chemistry or Organic Synthesis or similar (spring quarter). Duties include:

  • Reading lecture notes, worksheets, books, journal articles, etc., including describing chemical structures, reaction mechanisms, graphs, diagrams, and other chemical-related concepts
  • Drawing chemical structures, reaction mechanisms, graphs, diagrams, and other chemical-related concepts using a raised drawing kit (tools and training on their use will be provided)
  • Reading questions and scribing answers to homework, midterms, and exams


  • Strong background in advanced organic chemistry, spectroscopy, or biochemistry
  • Average or above-average artistic skills
  • Ability to meet on the UC Davis campus and Zoom
  • Good communication skills
  • Patience
  • Schedule flexibility

20-25 hours per week; $20 -$30 per hour, depending on experience and academic level

If interested, please call Tuan Nguyen at (916) 529-2320 or email him at

Author: ACS Sacramento Section

The Sacramento area has over 900 members of the American Chemical Society in all areas of chemistry.

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