Career Conference in Chemistry at UC Davis Dazzles in Its Fourth Year

Career Conference in Chemistry at UC Davis Dazzles in Its Fourth Year

by Samantha Teshima On Saturday, March 9, the Department of Chemistry at UC Davis hosted another successful career conference despite the inclement weather— neither rain, sleet, nor snow would dampen the mission of the conference or the spirits of its attendees. The Fourth Annual Career Conference in Chemistry was an event that provided chemistry majors an opportunity to learn from job recruiters and representatives about developing...

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ACS Sacramento 70th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue

ACS Sacramento 70th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue

The 70th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue for the Sacramento Section of ACS will occur on April 20th. Dr. James Marshall will speak about “Rediscovery of the Elements – Tracking down the original discovery sites of the mines and laboratories for all of the elements.” For more information or to register, click here.

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Save the Date: Flavors of Chemistry

Save the Date: Flavors of Chemistry

Flavors of Chemistry 2019 will occur on September 7, 2019 at the ARC Ballroom on the UC Davis campus. The speakers will be Hoby Wedler and Stephanie Doan. Wedler is co-founder of SENSPOINT-a company focused on opening the doors to sensory awareness and will speak about the chemistry of olive oil. Doan is a Senior Food Scientist in Food Innovation with Blue Diamond Growers and will speak about the chemistry of almond oil.

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Enter the 2019 CEI Environmental Film Competition

Enter the 2019 CEI Environmental Film Competition

Suibmitted by Mariela Carpio-Obeso

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Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2019

Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2019

Join the Conversation. Register now for Capitol Hill Ocean Week events. The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation is pleased to announce Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) 2019! We hope you’ll join us in our nation’s capital as we discuss pressing challenges facing our ocean and Great Lakes, celebrate ocean champions, and turn ideas into action on Capitol Hill. This year’s events include the Capitol Hill Ocean Week...

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R. Bryan Miller Symposium at UCD

R. Bryan Miller Symposium at UCD

The 19th Annual R. Bryan Miller Symposium was held February 28th and March 1st. SAC ACS was happy to co-sponsor this event, which brings together students and professional chemists from the Sacramento and greater Bay areas.Thursday’s session focused on the chemistry and biology of pain, culminating in a plenary talk by Justin DuBois about sodium ion channel structure and function, followed by the SAC ACS sponsored poster...

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WISTEM Talk at Davis Senior High School

WISTEM Talk at Davis Senior High School

Local Section chair Carla Saunders spoke about her research and career path at Davis Senior High School’s Women in STEM club on March 15. The WISTEM club is organized and run by Davis Senior High School students interested in encouraging an interest in STEM at their school. At each of their weekly meetings the club hosts a graduate student or professional from within STEM to give an informal 20-30 minute presentation about their...

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Volunteering with ACS Sacramento

Volunteering with ACS Sacramento

Are you interested in getting more involved with the local section? Have ideas about events or changes you’d like to see? Passionate about outreach? Consider volunteering on one of our new subcommittees! Executive Committee As always, members are welcome to participate in our monthly executive committee meetings where we discuss events, finances, policy, etc. Senior Chemists Committee A focus on concerns of and events for the...

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Student Travel Award Opportunity: Fall ACS in San Diego

Student Travel Award Opportunity: Fall ACS in San Diego

ACS Sacramento Section is proud to offer two $250 student travel awards to the ACS meeting in San Diego. The application is due May 1st to Dean Tantillo. For details, click here. In 2018, the winners went to New Orleans. In 2017, the winners went to San Francisco.

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Cate Simmermaker Won Student International Travel Award

Cate Simmermaker Won Student International Travel Award

Cate Simmermaker of the University of the Pacific won the inaugural Student International Travel Award. She will travel to Paris in May to give a talk about her research. To help offset her travel costs, she will receive $1,000. Cate Simmermaker is a second year graduate student at UOP. Originally from the Midwest, she received her B.S. in biochemistry from Earlham College and M.S. in chemistry from San Francisco State University. In...

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Volunteer Opportunities in April

Volunteer Opportunities in April

ACS Sacramento plans to host a table at the College and Career Expo which takes place the afternoon of April 6 at the STEM Fair.  We are hoping to offer a hands-on activity, but we need volunteers to make this happen!  If you can help, contact Cindy Castronovo at We need volunteers the morning of Wednesday, April 24 to help kids and parents learn about global warming and ocean acidification (see photo below). ...

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