R. Bryan Miller Symposium at UCD

The 19th Annual R. Bryan Miller Symposium was held February 28th and March 1st. SAC ACS was happy to co-sponsor this event, which brings together students and professional chemists from the Sacramento and greater Bay areas.Thursday’s session focused on the chemistry and biology of pain, culminating in a plenary talk by Justin DuBois about sodium ion channel structure and function, followed by the SAC ACS sponsored poster session. Friday saw a full day of talks ranging across organic synthesis to new developments in pain models. The day opened with a talk from Hosea Nelson about carbocation chemistry, and cumlinated in a talk by Alanna Schepartz focusing on EGFR.

person talking to other people in front of poster

Prof. Pete Beal talking to grad students at the poster session. (Photo credit to Jackson Zhu)


Powerpoint slide projected onto screen in front of a crowded room

Jon Sack’s talk “Engineering Tarantula Toxins to Image Ion Channel Conformation Change” (Photo credit to Jackson Zhu)

Author: ACS Sacramento Section

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