Next Executive Committee Meeting: August 27th
The next meeting of the ACS Sacramento Section Executive Committee will be on August 27th at 7pm in room 204 of Lillard Hall. For more information, contact Cindy Castronovo or Bill Miller.
Agilent’s Lunch and Learn Seminar on August 02
Agilent’s Lunch and Learn Seminar will be held on Wednesday, August 02 in Sacramento, California from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. This free face-to-face symposium gives you the opportunity to network with your colleagues in the industry, stay up-to-date with the latest science & technology from Agilent, as well as chat with our specialists & application chemists about your analytical questions and concerns. Agenda 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM...
Sequoia Analytical Labs Welcomes Dr. Marc Foster
Sequoia Analytical Labs would like to welcome to its staff, Chief Scientist Dr. Marc Foster. Educated at the University of Washington, Dr. Foster is an analytical chemist of broad experience and expertise. Not only is Dr. Foster a 20-year veteran of HPLC method development and management, he is skilled in training staff and expanding laboratory practices. Accomplished in both start-up laboratories and established, larger firms, Dr....
New Section Members for July 2017!
Please welcome these new members to our section: Brittany Barrett Bei Gao Michael Grieneisen Ao Ji Luis Perla Prima Tatum
2017 Volunteer of the Year: Mako Masuno
In the Sacramento Local Section, Mako has been the person responsible for running all aspects of the local and national U.S. Chemistry Olympiad for the last six years. Under his guidance, participation has grown each year due to the relationships he has built with the students and high school teachers and the very tasty liquid nitrogen ice cream he makes after the exams!
Jonathan Alspach: 50 Year Member of ACS
Congratulations to Dr. Jonathan Alspach, a 50 year member of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Alspach is a native of New York City, where he attended the Bronx High School of Science. He received a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Fairleigh Dickinson University, a master’s in Organic Chemistry from M.I.T., where he worked on the synthesis of the peptide antibiotic Bacitracin A, and a doctorate in Biochemistry from U.C. Davis,...
SACACS Outreach
The section is committed to outreach and welcomes proposals for events. We will consider any event, no matter how crazy! Feel free to contact Dean Tantillo ( with your ideas.
The National Organic Symposium (NOS) took place at UC Davis at the end of June ( A fantastic group of talks, along with jam-packed poster sessions and fun excursions made for a memorable event. SACACS was well-represented, with current Chair Dean Tantillo serving as Local Organizer, Executive Board member Carla Saunders (photo, right) and many section members in attendance. Click here for the...
Flavors of Chemistry 2017
We are pleased to announce that our 3rd Annual “Flavors of Chemistry” will be occurring on Saturday, September 30th at the UC Davis Activities and Recreation Center, the same location as last year). The event will occur from 1-5pm. For full details about the event or to buy tickets, click on the picture below: Speakers/Tastings: Bill Ristenpart, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Director of the UC Davis Coffee Center, and...
ACS Sacramento Events List
Date Event Time Location 8/2/17 Agilent Lunch and Learn 10am-2pm Sacramento 8/20-8/24/16 ACS Fall National Meeting All day Washington, D.C. 8/27/17 Executive Committee Meeting 7-8:30pm SCC Lillard 204 9/30/17 Flavors of Chemistry 2-6pm UC Davis ARC 10/22-28/17 National Chemistry Week All Day Everywhere 4/2-6/17 ACS Spring National Meeting All day New Orleans For more information about any of these events, please click on the...