John Berg’s Life and Career
John first got interested in chemistry in sixth grade when he had a chemistry set. Back then they were legitimate chemistry sets with real chemicals allowing one to occasionally blow things up. He was inspired by an excellent high school chemistry teacher who, unfortunately, became the Boy’s Dean a couple of years later. The fascination with chemistry remained, though. John majored in chemistry at UC Berkeley where he did...
Joseph DiGiorgio’s Life and Career
Joe’s interest in chemistry first started when he got a chemistry craft kit. While sin high school he developed a hobby and keen interest for pyrotechnics. He would enjoy making homemade explosives and gun powder and then setting them off. One of these was gun powder and magnesium which was taken near a lake and blown up there. The government noticed this and assigned a team from the University of Washington to investigate. However,...
Jerry Wilson’s Life and Career
Jerry Wilson started his career at Oklahoma A&M (now called Oklahoma State University) where he worked in a Biochemistry lab for two years and got his B.S. in Chemistry in 1961. After his bachelors, he was in the army ROTC for two years at Fort Bragg where he supported immediate response groups, specifically the eighteenth core. After leaving the army, he worked on his PhD at the University of Oklahoma from 1963-1967. He worked...
Sterling Chaykin’s Life and Career
Sterling Chaykin’s career first started blooming when he did a double major in Chemistry and Biology at New York University. After receiving these two degrees, and not quite sure of his next step, he encountered a professor who recommended Sterling to go to graduate school in an emerging field called Biochemistry. Sounding like a good idea, he applied to fifty graduate schools, looking for a teaching assistantship to insure enough...
Marilyn Olmstead: My Life and Career in Chemistry
My career in chemistry probably begins with my life as a tomboy growing up in Burbank, California, where my parents allowed me to pursue my interests in cowboys, cartoons, rocks, insects, stamps, birds, and later, ham radio. I got my first microscope when I was 8, and obtained my general operator’s license in ham radio when I was 12. I still use microscopes, almost daily, and I still love instrumentation, just as I loved...