Sacramento Section announces a program for AACT membership grants to local high school teachers of chemistry
ACS members who are or know K-12 teachers, particularly with science emphasis, your Sacramento Local Section has introduced a new grant program to support these individuals in their crucial profession. Last month we introduced the new American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) program in support of K-12 teachers of chemistry. The grant will cover the annual membership fee of $50. Grants will be awarded to at least 5 high school...
ACS Sacramento Section 66th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue
Co-sponsored by the Chemistry Department of University of the Pacific & the San Joaquin Valley Chapter of Sigma Xi, the Research Society SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 Chemistry Department, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA Lecture topic: “Stellar Explosions and New Planets: Frontier Research at UC’s Lick Observatory” Presenter: Alex Filippenko Professor of Astronomy University of California, Berkeley About the Speaker: Alex...
Winners of the National Chemistry Week Illustrated Poem Contest 2014
The Sacramento Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is proud to announce the winners of its 2014 Illustrated Poem Contest, part of the celebration for National Chemistry Week (NCW). The theme for this year’s contest was “The Sweet Side of Chemistry: Candy”. First celebrated in 1987, NCW always includes October 23, known by chemists as “Mole Day”. A “mole” of atoms in chemistry is...
FELLOWS – Who in the Sacramento ACS Section should be nominated for selection as a 2015 ACS Fellow?
Last month, we were able to report to the Sacramento ACS Section that two of our members had been selected as 2014 ACS Fellows. We know that there are others in the section that have the degree of excellence in their professional activities and achievement in their ACS related activities to be selected as 2015 ACS Fellows. The information has just been released on for nomination of ACS members for the 2015 honor of...
ACS Sacramento Honors Its Members
The ACS Sacramento Section celebrated its Annual Honors and Awards Ceremony at 4:30 on Saturday, September 20, 2014 at the Bicycle Hall of Fame in Davis. Debbie Decker, a newly awarded ACS Fellow, spoke about her career in chemistry including starting out at The Explosives Technology Company in Fairfield, CA. After that, Decker did significant work at both Sacramento State and UC Davis in Environmental Health and Safety. Marilyn...