Sutterville Elementary – Science Fair Project Mentoring and Judging
Sutterville Elementary School (map) will be having their 5th grade science fair from 6PM-8PM Wednesday, April 29th and have requested volunteer judges to help them with their event which has approximately 30 projects. In addition, they have requested mentors to review (at home/online) student projects and provide feedback. The schedule for this review as follows: February 1-10 – Introduction/hypothesis Review, February 21-March 3rd – Experimental Design Review. Please fill out this form: to sign up if you are interested in being a judge on April 29th and/or if you are interested in helping the students by reviewing their projects and providing comments. This link: (schedule) provides additional information regarding the Sutterville Science Fair project schedule. Please contact Krysty Emery ( for questions and additional information.