Proteomics Post-Doctoral Opportunity at Duke University

Proteomics Post-Doctoral Opportunity

Department of Cell Biology

Proteomics and Metabolomics Shared resource

Duke University School of Medicine

Durham, NC

The Soderling Lab ( is looking for talented postdocs in the field of neuronal proteomics. Our laboratory has developed several innovative approaches to proteomics using proximity labeling in vivo (iBioID; Science, 2016; Nat Communications, 2019) and new high-throughput CRISPR-based tools to study novel neural proteomes (HiUGE; Neuron, 2019). We seek candidates interested in the proteomic characterization of neuronal synaptic abnormalities that strongly contribute to Intellectual Disability, Autism, Alzheimer’s disease, and Schizophrenia.  Projects are available that include proximity proteomics using in vivo BioID proximity labeling, spatial organelle proteomics such as HyperLOPIT, high-throughput CRISPR-based proteome mapping, and genetic models of neurodevelopmental disorders.

To ensure robust training and mentoring in the latest proteomic approaches, this post-doctoral position will be a joint venture with the Duke Proteomics and Metabolomics Shared Resource (DPMSR, under the direction of Arthur Moseley, PhD and Erik Soderblom, PhD. The candidate will have access to latest generation LC-MS instrumentation which includes (2) Thermo Fusion Lumos Tribrid instruments (including ETD, UVPD, and FAIMS devices), (1) Thermo QExactive Exploris 480, (1) Thermo QExactive HF-X, (1) Thermo QExactive HF, (1) Thermo QExactive Plus instruments, (2) Waters Synapt G2 QToF instruments and multiple latest-generation triple quadruple mass spectrometers for targeted proteomic applications. Each of these mass spectrometers is coupled to a dedicated UPLC system; indeed, there are four Waters nanoAcquity LC systems, two multidimensional Waters nanoAcquity LC/LC systems, one Acquity-M Class LC/LC, and three Acquity LC systems. There is an I-Class Acquity coupled to a Waters’ Fraction Manager (two 96 well plates) for offline fractionation (high pH RP or SCX). Additionally, our lab has acquired two microfluidic capilary electrophoresis 908 ZipChip systems for use with the Lumos and QE-HF-X instruments.

Ambitious and highly motivated candidates with demonstrated expertise in quantitative high resolution accurate mass tandem mass spectrometry are encouraged to apply. Additional skillsets in R programming and quantitative analysis using supervised machine learning are desired. Qualified candidates can send CVs and career goals in a single e-mail to,, and

Author: ACS Sacramento Section

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