Posted By ACS Sacramento Section on Oct 10, 2016
A variety of pictures of the Flavors of Chemistry event on October 1st at the ARC Ballroom on the UC Davis campus. All pictures were taken by Dan Gruber.

The place setting

Secretary Cindy Castronovo signs in an event attendee

Treasurer Toby Sherbow with some UC Davis graduate students

Jim Postma of the California Section introduces Paul Jagodzinski, ACS Director of Region 6

Paul Jagodzinski welcomes the attendees

Steve Hummel (center), ACS Sacramento Section Janan Hayes High School Teacher of the Year Awardee. Dean Tantillo (left), Chair-Elect of the Sacramento Section. Bill Miller, Chair of the Sacramento Section

Kewal Dhami (center)

Ken Stoub (center)

John Berg (center)

Donald Frankel (center)

Moshe Rosenberg

Andrew Waterhouse

Student volunteers from Sacramento City College prepare to serve the cheese

A UCD graduate student in Chemistry pours wine samples