Ask your Legislators to Support the Research Investment to Spark the Economy (RISE) Act

We encourage you to ask that your Representative cosponsor and support the Research Investment to Spark the Economy (RISE) Act, H.R. 7308, which was introduced June 24, 2020 by Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Representative Fred Upton (R-MI). This bipartisan bill would authorize supplemental funding for a variety of research agencies. Thank you to those of you that have written your Representative. Your efforts have led to over 80 Members cosponsoring the RISE Act. If your Representative is one of them, we would ask you to write and thank them. If not, we hope you will write them again and request their support.

The Senate last week introduced its companion, S. 4286. We therefore encourage you to ask that your Senator cosponsor and support this bill. Broad support across both chambers will improve the chances of this bill being part of negotiations as Congress considers additional COVID-19 relief measures.

Both H.R. 7308 and S. 4286 are bipartisan bills that would authorize supplemental funding for a variety of research agencies including:

  • $300 million for the National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • $3 billion for the Department of Energy Office of Science
  • $150 million for the Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy
  • $10 billion for the National Institutes of Health
  • $3 billion for the National Science Foundation

These funds are intended to allow students and principle investigators to complete work disrupted by COVID-19; extend training of graduate students or employment of post-doctoral researchers; allow for replacement of laboratory supplies, reconfigure laboratories, restart equipment and other necessary activities to resume onsite research. In addition to authorizing additional funding to support researchers, the bill would also require agencies to continue following the flexibility provided by the Office of Management and Budget in March as institutions work to reopen.

Author: ACS Sacramento Section

The Sacramento area has over 900 members of the American Chemical Society in all areas of chemistry.

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