Connect With a Chemist
“Connect With a Chemist” is an opportunity to meet with fellow members of the Sacramento Section in an informal setting. As chemists, we have quite a bit in common–I’m reminded of the bumper sticker “Honk if you passed P-Chem” that I’ve seen on a few cars over the years. I always honk. To kick off the first two events in this series, the coffee is on us- at least for the first few chemists that...
SCC Chemistry Club News Fall 2014
The SCC Chemistry Club is a student run chapter of the ACS and serves all Sacramento City College students who are interested in chemistry. The club does community outreach at nearby schools, field trips to chemistry-related attractions, and projects of all kinds. So far, the club has taken a field trip to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, done glass etching, and executed a liquid nitrogen demo for Earth Day at SCC. The club...
UC Davis Chemistry Club News Fall 2014
Welcome to this year’s new officers: Kate Gibson, David Barga, Benjamin Wigman, Bradley Petkus, Dalena Tran, Hope Nikolaychuk, and Michelle Tin! Faculty advisors are Profs. Kovnir, Franz and Crabtree. The Chemistry Club at UC Davis provides outreach shows and demonstrations to schools and community groups throughout the year. In August, volunteers performed demonstrations for >50 children from Birch Lane Elementary Summer...
Volunteer Opportunities at Sacramento School of Engineering and Sciences
The Sacramento School of Engineering and Sciences (SES) is a combination middle/high school located in the Pocket area in South Sacramento. They need speakers for Friday lunch times beginning in November to talk about their journey from student to science or engineering career, as well as mentors for high school senior projects. Questions? Contact Cindy Castronovo, who represents the ACS Sacramento Section on the SES Advisory Board,...
Mentor Training: Science Project Mentoring Program
Mentor training for science and engineering professionals will be offered Tuesday September 30 from 12-1pm on the first floor of the Cal EPA Building at 1001 I Street. Mentors will then advise 7th-11th grade students as they plan and compete their projects for school and regional science fairs. Here is the complete flyer: Announcement-Sept Mentor Training-CalEPA_25Sep14 If interested, please contact Patrick Wong at 916-323-1505...