Councilor Chubbic’s Report: Learning the ropes of being a councilor

Councilor Chubbic’s Report: Learning the ropes of being a councilor

It was exciting to participate in my first meeting of the ACS Council. There were over 450 people attending! And all of them are people who care about chemistry. My thanks go to John Berg, who has been a Councilor for the Sacramento Local Section for many years. He showed me the ropes and saved me a seat in the best section of the auditorium. The Council meeting lasted for several hours. Most of the time was dedicated to reports from...

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Councilor Berg’s Report: Small dues increase, meeting fees unchanged

Councilor Berg’s Report: Small dues increase, meeting fees unchanged

Overview – I attended the 249th National Meeting of the ACS in Denver from March 20 to 26. During this time I attended the meetings of the Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs (CEPA), the CEPA Executive Committee Dinner, the CEPA Subcommittee on Public Policy (SPP), the Graduate Education Advisory Board (GEAB), and the ACS Council. I also attended the Region VI Caucus, the Presidential Town Hall, and the Western...

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Councilor’s Report: ACS Fall Meeting

Councilor’s Report: ACS Fall Meeting

The national Fall ACS meeting this year was close to home – San Francisco. Because I am a member of the Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs (CEPA), as well as the liaison from CEPA to the Graduate Education Advisory Board, I was busy from Friday until the Council meeting on Wednesday. The CEPA meeting started Friday evening and continued until Sunday noon. CEPA’s mission statement includes: Vision: The...

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