Greetings from the chair

Greetings from the Chair

A wee bit of rain and weekends full of football. Fall is in the air and every year I get a little bit nostalgic and think back about starting school. Well, to help fill that little void that used to be nurtured by the lofty pillars of education I hope that you can join me for a new program we are starting in the Sacramento Section called ‘Connect with a Chemist’. Our Chair-Elect, Bill Miller, will be organizing this event sometime soon. I really hope some of you will come and try it out. The idea is simple. We will just plan on meeting maybe at a cafe on a Saturday morning and just talk about chemistry or whatever else sounds interesting. I will definitely be attending and hope that many of you can make it! In particular, I hope that my fellow job seekers can get together so we can compare notes and do some networking. So keep your eyes on the lookout for the announcement and come share some coffee, conversation and companionship with your local chemists.

By Marc Foster
Chair, ACS Sacramento Section



Author: Bill Miller

Bill Miller is a Councilor of the Sacramento Section of the ACS. He also teaches chemistry at Sacramento City College.

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