West Campus High School – Request for science fair judges

West Campus High School in Sacramento will be having their science fair for on Wednesday March 4th from 3:30-7:00 PM with approximately 250 projects.  Judges are expected to arrive by 3:15 PM for check-in and distribution of rubrics.  Please contact Meghan Nealon (nealon.meghan@gmail.com) or her faculty adviser, Scott Mapplebeck at (916) 277-6400 ext. 1163 for additional information.  The original volunteer request which has...

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Sacramento School of Engineering and Sciences – Career Day speakers

The Sacramento School of Engineering and Sciences is requesting speakers for the middle school career day scheduled for Tuesday, February 17th.   There are time slots in the two classrooms available for the following periods: Period 1 (8:15-9:15), Period 2 (9:20-10:20), Period 3 (10:25-11:25), Period 5 (1:05-2:05).  Speakers are expected to talk for 20-25 minutes per class with 5-10 minutes for questions and can sign up for two...

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Volunteer Opportunities at Sacramento School of Engineering and Sciences

The Sacramento School of Engineering and Sciences (SES) is a combination middle/high school located in the Pocket area in South Sacramento. They need speakers for Friday lunch times beginning in November to talk about their journey from student to science or engineering career, as well as mentors for high school senior projects.   Questions? Contact Cindy Castronovo, who represents the ACS Sacramento Section on the SES Advisory Board,...

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Mentor Training: Science Project Mentoring Program

Mentor training for science and engineering professionals will be offered Tuesday September 30 from 12-1pm on the first floor of the Cal EPA Building at 1001 I Street. Mentors will then advise 7th-11th grade students as they plan and compete their projects for school and regional science fairs. Here is the complete flyer: Announcement-Sept Mentor Training-CalEPA_25Sep14 If interested, please contact Patrick Wong at 916-323-1505...

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